
This is a two-day, tutor-led seminar that is designed to introduce you to the Microsoft Project program and give you a good basic working knowledge of this unique program. It is designed for people with a knowledge of Windows who need an introduction to Microsoft Project, to schedule and track tasks.

Topics Covered

  • A basic introduction to the Microsoft Project programme
  • How to create a project
  • How to manage tasks in a project plan
  • Working effectively within time constraints
  • Adding and assigning resources
  • Finalising a project plan
  • Exchanging Project plan data with other applications
  • Updating the project plan
  • Managing projects
  • Creating visual reports
  • How to reuse project plan information
  • Creating a Master Project
  • and more…

Session Dates

Even if we don’t have any dates showing below, contact your local training centre to find out when they might be running the next session!

Location Address Date Time Get in Touch
Edinburgh Pitman Training Edinburgh, 4 Queen Street, First Floor, Buzzer 12, Edinburgh, EH2 1JE 15/10/2024 -
Glasgow Pitman Training Glasgow 1st Floor 82 Union Street Glasgow, G1 3QS 11/12/2024 -
Aberdeen Pitman Training Aberdeen, 469 Union Street, Aberdeen AB11 6DB 13/12/2024 09:30