Delegate Effectively

When first thinking of what and how to delegate, it can sometimes seem more hassle than it’s worth. You could be forgiven for thinking that it is quicker to do the job yourself.

Yes, there will be some outlay of your time at the beginning but involving others in the work will have benefits in the long-run. You’ll not only get someone else’s view and ideas on the task at hand, but you’ll also be helping to develop skills and broaden their knowledge. Your ability to successfully delegate will also impress others who may then look to impart more tasks to you, helping your career progression too.

As a Supervisor or Manager, delegation is a key part of the daily routine. If it’s a new skill to you, delegating to someone else can feel awkward at first. If done in the right way, delegation will hopefully see all employees involved thrive. Here are five quick tips on how to handle the delegation process effectively.

1. Communication is key. Brush up on your communications skills before you start the delegation process. Try asking someone for some feedback on how they think you communicate, both oral and written. Concise communication ensures an effective handover of the task.

2. Have a clear picture of exactly what you’re delegating so that you can create a well-defined brief. Collate all the relevant material that might be useful and if you’re able to offer an incentive to those taking on the task, do so as this will increase willingness and motivation levels.

3. Don’t micro-manage. Yes, check in on progress and let people know you’re there if needed but there is nothing more counterproductive than a domineering presence hovering over a task. So much so that the person carrying out the work feels resentful at the undue pressure and is liable to make mistakes. As long as you clearly explain the task and set expectations, and have trust in your colleagues that they will come to you if needed, they are capable of getting the job done.

4. Be constructive with feedback. Mistakes can happen, it’s part of everyday life. If something does go amiss, focus on how to rectify the situation first and then share how it can be avoided in future. If you can see ways in which tasks can be carried out more efficiently, share your thoughts and leave them to adapt their working ways to your advice.

5. Be forthcoming with praise. It’s important to make sure people get credit where it’s due. Don’t take other peoples glory, nothing will demotivate them more and they’ll be less likely to want to help in future. Be vocal with praise and make sure the right people know who deserves the pat on the back.